Summary of Pupil Premium Expenditure 2014-15


Learning and the Curriculum

  • All children supported by Quality First Teaching and achievement of group reviewed each half-term in Pupil Progress Meetings
  • INSET time designated as Pupil Premium Action meetings
  • Additional adult support in the classroom to deliver targeted interventions to specific children on the PP register, including Musical Communication, Trampoling Social groups and interventions in Reading, Writing and Mathematics
  • Two LSAs trained to deliver the Catch-Up Literacy programme. Three Year 6 pupils received support through this daily intervention. All three pupils made good or better progress across the key stage in Reading and Writing by the end of the academic year
  • 1:1 Tuition of three PP chn in Maths. All three children made good or better progress in Maths during Yr6
  • Children in Year 5 and 6 and their parents involved in ‘Aiming Higher Together’ meetings with class teachers to support achievement. 100% of Pupil Premium children made good or better progress in Reading, Writing and Maths by the end of KS2.


Enrichment within and beyond the Curriculum

  • Some trips and visitors were subsidised to enable Pupil Premium children to enjoy experiences they might not otherwise have been able to.
  • The use of school clubs by Pupil Premium pupils is good. Feedback from PP children about their enjoyment of the clubs is positive. Some club fees are subsidised by the school for PP chn.


Parents and Families

  • Subscription to software to support homework (Tapestry (EYFS), BugClub for Reading, Mathletics) has received positive feedback from children and parents.
  • Breakfast club provision offered to specific Pupil Premium or otherwise vulnerable families to support an improvement in attendance/readiness to learn (ten children) The places were taken by six children and improved attendance was the result for all of these families.
  • Holiday Club places offered through EFDC/LDG to specific Pupil Premium or otherwise vulnerable families to support additional learning and social opportunities. Eight Pupil Premium children have attended more than 70 days of Easter, half-term and summer holiday activities.


Social and Emotional Support

  • Subscription to LDG allowed access to Relate and other support services in order to increase self-esteem and confidence. Pupil Premium children and their families received support through this service.


Ivy Chimneys PUPIL PREMIUM Summary 2014-2015

39 pupil premium children                      £52,682 spend


% of children who made good progress (2 levels) or better from end of KS1 to end of KS2:

Reading: Pupil Premium 100%  (80% in 2013-14)                 Non-Pupil Premium 90.9%

Writing: Pupil Premium 100%   (80% in 2013-14)                 Non-Pupil Premium 97%

Mathematics: Pupil Premium 100%   (100% in 2013-14)     Non-Pupil Premium 97%  

(or) Achievement of Pupil Premium Pupils in Years 2 and 6 2014-15


Progress of PP chn (based on 16, Yr 2 and 6 pupil only for 2014-15 due to staggered assessment model changes)

75% made good or better progress in reading

94% made good or better progress in writing

94% made good or better progress in maths

Progress of Non-SEND PP chn (12)

75% of non-send PP pupils made good or better progress in reading

92% of non-send PP pupils made good or better progress in writing

92% of non-send  PP pupils made good or better progress in maths


Attainment of PP chn (based on 16, Yr 2 and 6 pupil only for 2014-15 due to staggered assessment model changes)

69% attained age-expected level in reading by end of year

56% attained age-expected level in writing by end of year

63% attained age-expected level in maths by end of year


Attainment of non-send PP chn (12)

83% of non-send PP pupils attained age-expected level in reading

75% of non-send PP pupils attained age-expected level in writing

83% of non-send PP pupils attained age-expected level in maths


& 40% of PP pupils passed the Yr1 phonics test ( 5 pupils- 2 non-SEND pupils passed, 3 SEND did not pass)