
Larch Class' Assembly

Larch Class perform in their class assembly. They have been learning about themselves and also the story 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt'.

Enjoy watching their performance.

A fun day for the children of Ash, Larch, Chestnut, Birch and Elm


Oliver reading to Ash and Larch class

Oliver reading to Ash and Larch class

Birch class taking a dramatic adventure to Australia

Birch class taking a dramatic adventure to Australia

Chestnut class enjoying a workshop with Sarah

Chestnut class enjoying a workshop with Sarah-Jane

Drama Group and Local authors, Oliver Dean and Sarah-Jane Funnell visited Ivy Chimneys this week  A lovely time was had by all of the children in Key Stage 1 and EYFS, when they met both authors and listened to their new books.

‘Drama 4 all (Perform)’ held a fun drama workshop, where all the children engaged in an adventure to Australia.



